disciple making


I’ve been spending time with the Apostle John lately. For several weeks, I’ve been reading in his gospel along with 1 John and Revelation. Something that strikes me is how much John’s character changed after being with Jesus. I’ve always thought of this Disciple as being the selfless and humble one of the Twelve. After all, he’s the one that wrote so much about Jesus’ command to love.

Come Sit With Me

“Come sit with me.” This is a simple invitation, and it has taken on a much deeper meaning these days in my life. As a kid, sitting still was one of the hardest things for me. I liked to move. As I got older, I realized there were people that I also like to sit with.

A Story: Part 4

I think it’s time we start telling better stories. True ones about the faithfulness, kindness, love, and forgiveness of God that we’ve experienced in our lives. Look around, and you will see people languishing without real hope. If you profess to be a follower of Jesus, telling Hope Stories (see last week’s blog) is part of our mandate from Christ himself.

Leverage What We Have

The first thing on our list of what leaders leverage is what we possess. When I say this, often people look at me like I shouted something important in a different language, and they cannot figure out what I mean. Let me help; when I say what do you possess, I actually mean - “What you have.”